Sometimes you choose the journey, and sometimes the journey chooses you.
I'm Julie Longyear, and my journey chose me to become an expert in holistic healing out of necessity.
My quality of life has been determined by what I have learned.
I've turned my obstacles into opportunities and found sustainable, healthy ways to heal. Holistic Skin Circle is my way to offer you a faster, more effective route to peace with your skin.
Is your skin condition affecting your self confidence?
Do you feel like you have tried everything - expensive creams, procedures, prescriptions - without lasting results?
Does your skin cause you to feel overwhelmed, hopeless, and stressed?
Are you tired of the constant battle between you and your acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and redness?

It may not look like it now, but I also cope with acne, inflammation and sensitivities.
My skin is clear and healthy today because of the holistic secrets I have discovered and practiced over the last 20 years.
My journey through a variety of health problems started while other people were still carefree & having fun.
I was young & like many people, did not have a deep understanding of my body’s true needs.
My lifestyle was causing stress for my body, though I didn’t know it at the time.
In my teens I had cystic acne. I was put on antibiotics, which were the mainstream standard for acne care back in the 1990s.

As a few more years passed, the breakouts settled down. I’d still have an occasional angry, deep, inflamed pimple but they would come and go, and I had a few relatively peaceful years.
When I turned 25 I started noticing significant changes in my skin:
I had flaky patches on my forehead that were never there before
My skin tone became dull and had a lifeless cast to it
I started to have a lot more breakouts on a consistent basis.
I was seriously frustrated, but I didn’t know what to do about it.
I felt self conscious about my skin, and I wanted solutions.
I tried many different skincare products hoping to calm my skin.
I read ingredients labels to try and discern which products were the best value for my money.
I tried product after product with little improvement, and my painful, deep breakouts were still continuing.
As soon as one would end another would start.
I got frustrated enough to go to the dermatologist. I had tried everything I knew how to do on my own & needed new options.
I was given a prescription wash with a strange texture. It burned my face & left my skin red, raw, & dry. I quickly had to stop using it altogether because of the side effects.
The prescription treatment was as painful as the breakouts.

I was taking college courses in chemistry.
The real breakthrough came when I started applying what I learned in class to thinking about my body, my lifestyle, and the products I was using.
My science-loving brain led me to experimenting with trying to create my own skin treatments.
I was my own test subject, and even though there were a lot of mistakes I kept going.
Eventually I created a recipe for my own confused, acne-prone, but also dry, sensitive skin, and when I used it consistently my skin was doing really well.
I realized that the store bought products were actually making my skin worse!
From that realization onward, I never turned back.
I vowed to devote myself to creating & providing skin care options that were not readily available, so that others wouldn't have to endure the same struggle that I did.
Over the last 10 years I have been able to help thousands of people dramatically improve their skin by switching to skincare that is suitable for sensitive, disrupted skin.
My innovative Blissoma skincare products have won more than 12 industry awards, are sold at more than 100 locations in the USA and throughout the world in places like Taiwan, Australia, Hong Kong, and South Korea.
I am considered a thought leader in the green beauty industry, and am quoted frequently by journalists.
BUT skincare is just one piece of the puzzle, which is something I know well after my journey.
I didn’t just change my skincare, I also changed my lifestyle and those changes have ended up benefitting my skin greatly!
Now I have glowing skin that receives compliments regularly from people of all ages.

What I know now is that:
People need help addressing both
biological AND environmental triggers
that create problem skin.
You need to know your triggers.
You need to know what to do about them.
And you need to know the specific ways to support your body so it can be its best.
I believe everyone should feel completely comfortable and incredibly happy in their own skin.
That is why I created Holistic Skin Circle.
You can take control of healing your skin just like I did, and I can teach you how.
Are you ready to become your own skin healing champion?

Sandra Hicks, Esthetician
"Holistic Skin Circle is warm, compassionate and engaging. It is everything a person who is dealing with skin issues needs to have when trying to heal their skin. I can tell it is a labor of love. The simplified way the program educates is very palatable. It's just beautiful, and I knew from the first 5 minutes in that I was all in it. I love it!"